About the Nigon Family Farm

Nigon-View Dairy is a multigenerational dairy farm that has grown into a diverse agricultural business. Founded in 1978 in Greenwood, WI by Clair and Geraldine Nigon, the farm started as a dairy with 48 milking cows. In 1987, Clair's son, Marty took over the farm with his wife Kathleen. Together they have grown the herd to 85 Registered Holsteins with 1,000 acres of cropland. They grow alfalfa, corn, soybeans, oats, and wheat on their cropland.
Marty and Kathy's six children have remained involved and active in the many businesses on the farm. Their family is very much rooted in the farm, and the farm in each of them. Nigon-View Dairy will forever be a gathering place for the family, and a special place to be together.
Marty and Kathy also manage 120 acre of woodland, which is used for one of their primary businesses: Nigon-View Maples, the family's Maple Syrup business. The Nigon family taps 700 trees in their woods to produce roughly 500 gallons of syrup. The syrup business is a labor of love: all of the sap is hand collected, cooked down to syrup using a wood fired stove, and bottled by the family.
In the summer months and into the fall, the farm features a self-serve stand at their homestead, just off of Highway 73 in Greenwood. What started as a small business by the two oldest boys of the family has grown into a staple on the farm. The Self-Serve stand is a staple for many in the community who come for the fresh sweet corn between July and August. The family also offers colored landscaping mulch from April to September.
Marty and Kathy's eldest son, Luke, and his wife Amy live nearby the farm and have grown a vibrant cut flower field in the summer and pumpkin and mum business in the fall time. Luke and Amy grow over 200 varieties of pumpkins gourds and squash, providing one of the largest selections of ornamental and carving pumpkins in the county, if not the state.

Some of you may not know that on 9/24/19 a tornado hit the farm and did extensive damage. After rebuilding, we're not only surviving, but thriving.
If this is the first you've heard about the tornado and want to know more, check out the following links.
Aerial Footage of Nigon-View Dairy after the storm
WSAW NewsChannel 7 Coverage
National Weather Service Info on the tornado
Enjoy every moment! Life is so precious and can change in an instant.

Visit our favorite girls: Our Cows
We have great pride in our herd. We care deeply about our girls and work hard to give them top-notch care. We give our Registered Holsteins plenty of pasture time and have worked over the years to bring great genetics into our herd. Come stop by and visit our calves and cows.
Our Self-Serve Stand at Nigon-View Farms
There’s nothing better than taking a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and spending some quality time on the farm. At Nigon-View Farms, located in Greenwood, we have a Self-Serve stand full of fresh sweet corn between late July to Labor Day and fresh cut flower bouquets from about the end of July to frost.. We also have our maple syrup available for purchase on the stand.
Starting in mid-April, we supply colored mulch for landscaping available by the skid steer scoop! We offer sunburst red, chocolate brown, and gold cypress (see photos below). Please call ahead to ensure we have the color of your choice.
We also have a self-serve U-Pick Cut Flower stand. Please go to our cut flower page for more information on that.
We’re proud of our home here at Nigon-View Farms and have been welcoming visitors to our farm since we opened in 1987. See for yourself why so many people come back to see us time and time again.